I’ve never followed anyone, as a kid I felt respect and affection for my parents, but I was a compass for myself and indeed often for them too. I have always directed my life and often also that of those close to me with reasoning and my energy. One of my features is therefore my mental autonomy. Loneliness doesn’t scare me, sometimes I actually consider it the best solution. With my curricular and extracurricular studies and with the experiences acquired in international and local contexts, I have become more and more selective in people to attend and intolerant of the nonsense that not a few say. Nonsense due to mental weaknesses, influences absorbed by a mediocre cultural context, intellectual laziness. Another constant that I notice in inept people is ingratitude, deforming or removing reality in order not to feel indebted, to sweeten the awareness of oneself because looking naked in front of one’s miseries can be disheartening.
Why these maverick speculations? Because after having had many experiences around Europe, in the end the most effective way to contribute to a better world is to invest in the mental education of young people. Everywhere: school, after-school, volunteering, sports, first work experiences,… All the chips must be invested in creating a new generation of thinking people, capable of critical judgment, difficult to manipulate, who ask the why of everything and the why of why, who accept the idea that every right corresponds to a duty and that the packaging must be taken in its entirety, who cultivate the humility of intelligence by understanding that only by reading and studying can we form thoughtful opinions without filling the ears of the listener with nonsense, who have respect for the institutions but without servility, who go to vote because democracy works only if the voters are not functional illiterate while the alternative would be dictatorship, who cultivate the noble sentiment of gratitude because it makes people better,…
Definitely investing in the mental education of young people is the most effective and noble of missions.

About autonomy of thought and on investing on young people
Giuseppe Ursino
Giuseppe Ursino
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Giuseppe Ursino
CEO at JO Group, cluster of companies founded in 1998 with core businesses in digital transformation and EU project consulting
Talks about #eufunds, #innovation, #smartcities, #businessconsulting and #digitaltransformation