Against the wind on meritocracy, infrastructures, education system, bureaucracy and free market

Giuseppe Ursino

Giuseppe Ursino

Since university time I have always worked to promote a large European motherland and the improvement of the fundamentals of Sicily: meritocracy, infrastructures, education system, bureaucracy and free market.
My own entrepreneurial activity in these twenty years has been characterized by this mission. In addition, in recent years, having studied the history of Sicily, I deliberately raised the tone on social media to raise awareness of the injustices suffered by the Sicilian people in the decades following the Unification of Italy in an attempt to revitalize a people’s pride long since annihilated and to increase awareness of the unexpressed potential that the Island wastes in sloppiness, servility and indifference. I tried to push Sicily in one direction, while the Island continued to decline inexorably in the opposite direction!
I lived that as a collective suicide of my people. And I envy the foolish unawareness of most people, who don’t ask questions and don’t look for answers. On these topics, unable to elaborate a serious project, it is also a part of the ruling class in my town that, with the mindset they have, could likely consider me a strange persone. Anyway I have too much respect for my soul to accept this scenario without continuing to run against the wind.
I hope that a new political offer, succeeding in aggregating a critical mass on modern liberal ideas, will impose on the country a new agenda that will nullify the political patronage (which by using public spending in a discretionary way manages to perpetuate its dominion over the citizens) and brings us out of the present miserable decline.

If you want to get in touch with Giuseppe Ursino this is his LinkedIn profile

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